Thursday, May 3, 2007


Hello from 2am central time.
Insomnia: 1
Melissa: 0

Right now, my roommate is snoring obnoxiously and I am wondering if this is grounds for justified homicide. Thoughts?

Well, thought it might be time I gave a brief update. First and foremost, instead of asking me "Are you still dating whatshisname?" -- the answer is unequivacally no, regardless of which whatshisname you're talking about. Not so much of a dating hiatus as a methodical kick-all-their-asses-to-the-curb type thing. And no, I don't want to be set up with your brother, cousin, friend's-friend either. I can find my own terrible dates, thankyouverymuch. Ohhkay.

It is finals time here at North Park. You can tell because everyone is ten times rowdier than usual and their ritualistic mating behavior is on the rise. And for me, you know it's finals when I am blogging at 2am. I am fairly certain I will be bombing all my finals despite my studying efforts; when you never really learned the concept to begin with and it's built upon all semester, it's a liiiiittle hard to catch up in two weeks.. call it a lesson. The GPA is in the shitter but fortunately I'm going to NIU and they seem rather accepting of varying degrees of mental capacities there.

One more week at this place and then summer break will be here. Not as though my parents will allow me any real break, because in their "real world" they don't get summer vacations; and you know, the cornerstone of parenting is to make your children as miserable as you are and my parents are nothing if not successful at that one. I am looking pretty hard for a summer job that I can continue into next semester. My schedule for NIU is only Tuesday and Thursday, which I thought gave me a great deal of time for homework and staying sane but alas, my parents have made it clear any day that is not filled with class shall be filled with work. Thus sayeth the Lord, or something... I dunno. I am sad to be saying goodbye to this beautiful city school. I will miss beach days and coffee runs at the local coffeehouse and the amazing snickerdoodles they make there and movie nights with girlfriends. I will miss Laura, Col, Lauren, Tim, Michelle, Ju, Katie, and Kassie. I will miss the dorm when it is quiet and the view from my third story window down the lights and buzz that is Foster Avenue. I will even miss my Spanish professor who sees fit to ask me "Tienes novio?" all the time and tell me there are many eligible bachelors within our classroom. I will not miss the fact that this school's programs do not fit my needs whatsoever. I will certainly not miss my politics class taught by my neocon Bush-supporter professor who enjoys calling me a cultural relativist and explaining that truth is universal (oh yes, he believes his opinion applies to the world... perhaps he should teach in the lecture hall next semester to accomodate his gigantic ego?).

The thing that gets me now at 23 is retrospect. In retrospect, the grass was never really greener on the other side. [Note: I am listening to the sound of a Jewel cart being wheeled down the block by our resident homeless man. And my roommate snoring.] The grass was just different on the other side. So, moving on to NIU, I have very little hope that it will improve my life in any significant way. I'm not sure if this is being jaded, but I'm going to label it realistic. To expect is to be disappointed, and believe me, I've already got that one covered historically and currently. I have no expectations for the fall except for possibly taking classes I give a shit about.

One thing that I am excited for is Niles coming home. He will be home for good in a week or so, and I have hopes that we will have fun together this summer and maybe create a more normal friendship minus a three hour distance. This will give me the excuse to hang out in Wheaton, enjoy scrambled egg & ham stuffed crepes at Egglectic, peruse for tea at SereneTeas, and spend some time around his family, whom I love. They give me hope that a normal, functional family is possible. Plus given my current single status it might be nice to sneak a few kisses on his couch watching a dvd. I'm done beating myself up for still wanting the guy.

That's all, folks... oh, except, did you see Grey's Anatomy tonight? I think Addison is getting her own show which totally means she and Alex aren't going to be a thing and that bothers me. That thing with the elevator talking to her.. that would happen to me, for the record.


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